
Demonstrating the best of our Tiger PRIDE core values of Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, and Empathy, our JROTC is a model program with an A+ rating!

We are proud to provide industry exam preparation in Auto Body Repair, Building Construction, Culinary, Health & Wellness, Entrepreneurship, and Tech Design.

Cocoa High is proud to be an AVID school! Our AVID program consists of grade level AVID classes that help students with academic skills development and post-secondary planning.

Our AP programs include: AP Biology, AP Psych, AP Calculus, AP Precalculus, AP World History, AP US History, AP Literature, AP Composition, & AP Computer Science Principles

Cocoa High l is grateful for the partnership with Eastern Florida State College. Each year we graduate students who earn their AA degree from EFSC while earning their HS diploma.

Our Cocoa Tiger football team is six-time State Champions with back-to-back titles in 2022 and 2023. Be sure to join us in 2024 for another exciting season!